Thursday, November 22, 2018

Bridge GPE & RC Pier Tools - Coming Soon****

I will be posting this weekend the prized Bridge GPE & RC Pier Design Drawings Automation Tools.

I am taking time because I want to deliver the best of me and I had to do  further designing, coding, debugging and testing them. Believe me they will be the best.

Please don't be passive and leave me your comments and suggestions on the previously released tools.

With your help, we can make this thing big and comprehensive!!


Friday, November 2, 2018


The Softwares I am releasing here are Experimental/Demo/Beta Versions which won't work after a certain time. This is because I am constantly updating, enhancing and tweaking them and I want only the latest updated versions to be in circulation.

Masonry Retaining Wall Automation Tool

Masonry Retaining Wall Automation Tool New***

This tool automates the Design Drawings of Masonry Retaining Wall and exports as CSV File the excavation, backfill, masonry and Concrete Quantities.

A smart huge time saving application (especially for Structural Engineers).

Download EazyRetainingWall

Saturday, October 20, 2018

2018 Versions - 12m and 30m DEM Digital Elevation Models

You can download 12m and 30m Resolution DEM Digital Elevation Models here below!! Indispensable for Hydrologists, Highway Engineers, Photogrammetrists, Environmentalists etc...

These are the latest corrected and artefacts removed and complete coverage Digital Elevation Models; the most up-to-date 2018 version DEMs, more accurate and with more coverage.

Anybody with problems to download the DEMs, please send me a message [Using the Form here at the Right Hand Side. Please don't send Facebook Messages as I don't  see it.] of the location of the area for which you wanted the DEM and I will upload it here.

Download Latest 12m DEM

Download Latest 30m DEM

Enjoy the Joy of Giving and Please Share!!

Hello My Audience!!

Please share any useful tool or information by posting it here!!

Friday, October 19, 2018

Coming Soon*****

Coming Soon***

Bridge General Plan & Elevation Design  Automation Tool

Concrete Pier Design Automation Tool

RC Deck Girder Bridge Design Automation Tool

RC Box Girder Bridge Design Automation Tool

Masonry Abutment and Wingwall Automation Tool

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Human beings ==>Evolving to be God?

Human beings ==>Homo Sapiens ==> Homo Deus (God)

Fascinating Idea!!

Two very informative and very entertaining books by a Guru by the name of Yuval Noah Harari;

Brief History of Sapiens
Homo Deus

If you can get and read the books, I promise you that you won't be disappointed. In fact, you would be highly rewarded. I enjoyed them a lot.

Bridges & Culverts Structural Design & Hydrologic/Hydraulics Analysis Tools

  NEW UPDATED SOFTWARES - AUGUST 2024 EazySeries Deluxe Collection of Tools and Softwares Download the latest updated softwares here from ...

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