Saturday, March 2, 2019

EazyDeckGirderUltimate & EazyRC-PierUltimate ***NEW***HOT**


With EazyDeckGirderUltimate and EazyRC-PierUltimate, you can prepare the Design Drawings of an RC Deck Girder Superstructure and an RC Multi-Column Pier in less than one minute maximum after inputting data.

Once you designed your Deck Girder Superstructure and your Multi-Column Pier, you input your parameters into EazyDeckGirderUltimate and EazyRC-PierUltimate and EazyDeckGirderUltimate and EazyRC-PierUltimate prepare for you!!
  1. The Typical Transverse X-Section Drawing 
  2. The Typical Longitudinal X-Section Drawing 
  3. The Plan Deck Slab, Pier Cap and Pier Footing Reinforcements Drawing
  4. The Pier Elevation Drawings
  5. The Bar Schedule and Quantities 
It is all a fully automated process with you not required to do anything at all after you input your parameters into EazyDeckGirderUltimate and EazyRC-PierUltimate.

The Ultimate Lazy Man's Ultimate Tool!!! This program wouldn't have been developed without the kind and generous help of Mr. Boredom Magnum!!! 

Please send feedback if you encounter errors, program crashes or whatever problems to!!

Download EazyRC-PierUltimate

Download EazyDeckGirderUltimate

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

EazyDeckGirder & EazyRCPier

Opus Boredom

This Coming weekend, you can download here EazyDeckGirder and EazyRCPier!!! Sorry that it took this long. You won't believe me the amount of code writing, debugging and testing and the ardous toil that went into them.

Both are the Ultimate Lazy Man's Tool or the Ultimate Smart One's Tool depending on your opinion.

You do your Deck Girder Superstructure and RC-Pier analysis etc...and leave the rest to EazyDeckGirder and EazyRCPier!!! 

Just input few parameters like Spacing, Number and diameter of bars which takes 2-3 minutes and EazyDeckGirder and EazyRCPier gives you the complete Design Drawings including BOQ, Quantities and Bar Schedules.

This weekend D-Day!!


Saturday, February 2, 2019


The Auto Series Tools have been updated, bug fixed and further enhanced into the Eazy Series Tools.

Download the Eazy Series Tools from the Right Pane, Bottom Right Corner in Section "Softwares & Downloads"!! In this Easy Series, the Tools Currently posted are;
  1. EazyBoxCulvert v19.02.02
  2. EazySlabCulvert v19.02.02
  3. EazyRetainingWall v19.02.01
  4. EazyGetStations v19.01.01

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

AutoRC-DeckGirder New*** Coming Soon

With AutoRC-DeckGirder, you can prepare the Design Drawings of an RC Deck Girder Superstructure within few minutes maximum.

Once you designed your Superstructure, you input your parameters into AutoRC-DeckGirder and AutoRC-DeckGirder prepares for you;

  • The Typical X-Section Drawing
  • The Longitudinal X-Section Drawing
  • The Plan Drawing 
  • The Bar Schedule and Quantities
It is a fully automated process with you not required to do anything further after you input your parameters into AutoRC-DeckGirder.

Check back in few days time (hopefully inshallah).

Sunday, December 30, 2018

AutoRC-PIER v19.01.01 HOT** NEW**

With AutoRC-Pier, you can prepare the complete Pier Design Drawing and Detailing in a matter of few minutes and save several hours of your time.

As a Structural Engineer, after carrying out the Statical Calculations and designing your RC-Pier, preparing the Pier Design Drawing and Detailing is a drab and drudgery exhausting affair. It takes a lot of time and effort while adding nothing of value to you. It took me too a great lot of time and effort to program and automate it. But the beauty of programming is that just like a soulmate, you program once and after that  you just enjoy till Kingdom comes. For those of us without a soulmate, we can at least automate.☺😉😆

With AutoRC-Pier, you can have any number of Pier Columns, any width of Pier and it is a versatile tool allowing you great freedom of choice and freedom from ennui. Enjoy!!

Download AutoRC-Pier v19.01.01

Tuesday, December 25, 2018


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Everybody!!

Giving is good even if you may not be rewarded. So share with us here some useful resources!!!

Our Plan and Intention is to get still more smarter in the New Year!! Stay tuned!!!

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Why we are doing this!!****

Purpose & Mission
We are developing these automation tools not because we are work averse lazy folks. Far from it.

Our main purpose and mission in developing these tools is to eliminate those things that don't add value, i.e. eliminate the Value Added Tax. We eliminate the tax part and retain only the value added, save our time and use it to create more value and increase our efficiency and accuracy.

My only fear is for IRS not to sue us for tax evasion!! Lol!!😆😃☺☺

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