Showing posts with label Gebeyehu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gebeyehu. Show all posts

Monday, October 8, 2018

Get Coordinates From Chainage

Coming Soon.....

This little tool generates a Coordinates CSV file from a given Plan Polyline and a CSV  Stations file.

If you have the Station Values of say Structures in a Road Project and you want to locate them on topographic or GIS maps in Global Mapper, ArcGIS, ArcView, AutoCAD or any spatial data analysis software etc..., this tools gives you that power. Quite smart tool!!

Download GetCoordinates Updated***

Get Station from Coordinates

This little program takes a CSV coordinates file of Points and returns the Stations of the Coordinates on a Polyline as a CSV file.

This Program is a productivity tool very useful especially for Hydrologists working in Road Projects.

As a Hydrologist, when you are executing Hydrologic Analysis, you have the road alignment as a single Polyline and you determine the crossing points XY Coordinates using a GIS Software. The Crossing Points are given in coordinates and you have to manually determine the Stations from the Plan of the Road.

This little tool fully automates the last process of determining the stations. You feed it the Coordinates as CSV file and it gives you the Station as CSV file.

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