Saturday, December 8, 2018

Bridge Hydraulics and Stage - Discharge Curve ****COMING SOON

This tool is a must for Hydrologists.

Have you ever been irritated about preparing the X-Section data of a stream for input to Hec-Ras or WSPRO or whatever Hydraulic Analysis Software, running lengthy modelling which you don't need etc?

Have you desired a simple but powerful Hydraulic Analysis tool which needs only two Clicks to generate your HWM and Hydraulic Parameters?

AutoBridgeHydraulics does just that. You just click on your River X-Section  in Autocad and type your Discharge, Slope and Manning's n and AutoBridgeHydraulics gives you the HWM, all the Hydraulic Parameters, draws the complete Stage - Discharge Curve and exports the results and parameters as CSV file - All Without leaving AutoCAD.

AutoBridgeHydraulics does all that in just under one minute.

I am a lazy man and get easily bored with tedious repetetive work so I programmed the tedious part to save me time, avoid ennui and use the time instead to watch Premier League or just fool around!! Lol.😃😉☺

Coming soon in a few days. Check back in a few days time.

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