Sunday, December 30, 2018

AutoRC-PIER v19.01.01 HOT** NEW**

With AutoRC-Pier, you can prepare the complete Pier Design Drawing and Detailing in a matter of few minutes and save several hours of your time.

As a Structural Engineer, after carrying out the Statical Calculations and designing your RC-Pier, preparing the Pier Design Drawing and Detailing is a drab and drudgery exhausting affair. It takes a lot of time and effort while adding nothing of value to you. It took me too a great lot of time and effort to program and automate it. But the beauty of programming is that just like a soulmate, you program once and after that  you just enjoy till Kingdom comes. For those of us without a soulmate, we can at least automate.☺😉😆

With AutoRC-Pier, you can have any number of Pier Columns, any width of Pier and it is a versatile tool allowing you great freedom of choice and freedom from ennui. Enjoy!!

Download AutoRC-Pier v19.01.01

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