Thursday, December 13, 2018

AutoHydraulics v19.01.01 NEW NEW ******

Finally as promised, here is the Smart Tool Auto Hydraulics.

Now you can save several hours of your time with this tool and use the time for whatever activity that delights your heart.

A smart tool from the legendary fabulous lazy man!!! 😆☺😉

Download AutoHydraulics v19.01.01

Validation AutoHydraulics Vs HEC-RAS

Regarding this AutoHydraulics Tool, I have validated and checked my tool with HEC-RAS and WSPRO and it gives identical results. 

The mathematics is not complicated. My tool, HEC-RAS and WSPRO all use Manning's Equation. So HEC-RAS and WSPRO should give identical results. 

The only difference is that my tool considers a single X-Section while they consider more than one X-section. So when you model using HEC-RAS and WSPRO, if you use several X-Sections but identical to each other with identical channel slope and Manning's n, then my tool and HEC-RAS and WSPRO all give identical results.

If you use several X-Sections different from each other but with identical channel slope and Manning's n, my tool gives you slightly different results but which are a very good approximation. Otherwise, AutoHydraulics and HEC-RAS and WSPRO shall give identical results. 

In future releases of AutoHydraulics, I will try to program it so that it has similar capabilities as HEC-RAS and WSPRO. It is not that much a complicated mathematics. It just needs more effort, time and patience.

Bridges & Culverts Structural Design & Hydrologic/Hydraulics Analysis Tools

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